HRHA School Kits Help Kids Get Ready For Another Academic Year

Each year, HRHA provides kids in the Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS) back to school kits in August. Last year, with the help of donations and sponsors, HRHA provided 64 kits for children. JC Penny generously donated book bags and HRHA staff purchased supplies to fill them. For HRHA families, back to school shopping can sometimes be a challenge. These kits make sure children have everything they need to succeed on day one. This year, we were able to give out over 50 kits.

If you are interested in expanding the reach and impact of this program, or any other HRHA program, we’d welcome your support. You can donate to our 501c3, Shenandoah Housing Corporation, via credit card on our PayPal site, or by check (to Shenandoah Housing Corporation) mailed to 286 Kelley St, Harrisonburg VA 22802 attn Michael Wong. Thank you!