First Resident and Participant Information/Comment Opportunity for MTW Tonight!

What policies can HRHA change to improve rent structure, certifications, and other elements that impact my voucher? How can HRHA improve my opportunists to achieve self-sufficiency?

The Board of Commissioners meeting will be September 16, 4:00pm, at the HRHA Main office on 286 Kelley St.

The first of many opportunities for residents and participants to learn more about the Moving to Work (MtW) process is this evening at the Board of Commissioners Meeting. Residents of HRHA and participants in the HCV program are invited to attend (masked and distanced) or may call in at the number below. The meeting starts at 4:00pm and is held at the HRHA Main Office, 286 Kelley St in Harrisonburg.

To learn more about MtW and learn/provide input at the September 16 4:00pm meeting, please call:

1 – 929 – 205 – 6099

Enter the Meeting ID: 856 8954 0424 when prompted.