HRHA Welcomes Two New Employees

Vine Adowei and Everett Brubaker joined HRHA this summer. Each hold an M.A. in Communication & Advocacy from JMU and are excited to further the important work of HRHA.

vine adoweiVine is the new Western Virginia Continuum of Care Coordinator. She was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria and came to Harrisonburg in 2013 to study at JMU. She became a U.S. citizen in 2018 and is looking forward to working to address homelessness and improve affordable housing in the region.




everett brubakerEverett is the new Resident Services and Communications Coordinator. He was born in Arizona, but has spent most of his growing up years in Harrisonburg. He lives in town with his wife and 6 month old son. Everett is excited to work at improving communication between HRHA and the community, while driving events and expanding opportunities for residents.